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Would shareholder’s equity ever be greater than market capitalization?

Yes, this is possible if the stock price has declined so much that the market capitalization, calculated as # of shares x stock price, is lower than the original book value of shareholder’s equity. The book value of shareholder’s equity is recorded at the amount of the initial investment. In other words, the market value […]

What does shareholder’s equity on the balance sheet represent?

Shareholder’s equity represents the portion of the assets that have been funded by equity as opposed to liabilities / debt. It also acts as an “odometer” of all the net income a company has earned / accumulated. Some sources of equity investment include: Original investment by the founder(s) to start the business Additional funds invested […]

If the balance sheet doesn’t balance, what does that mean? How can you fix that?

Assets = Liabilities + Shareholder’s Equity Above is the balance sheet equation, which is saying that all assets must be funded by either liabilities (e.g. debt) or shareholder’s equity (e.g. money from private or public investors). If the equation does not balance, that means there is an error in the balance sheet. In order to […]

What are two ways the cash flow statement can be displayed? Which one is better?

There are two ways the cash flow statement can be prepared: the direct method, and the indirect method. The direct method is the easiest to understand, but rarely used in more publicly traded companies. We just record all the cash inflows and outflows as they happen, categorizing them between cash flow from operations, cash flow […]

Why do changes in inventory affect the income statement?

Ending Inventory = Beginning Inventory + Purchases – Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) Purchases do not affect the income statement, since they represent purchases of unsold inventory which have not been delivered to the customer. However, COGS does show up on the income statement, since it represents inventory that has been sold and delivered to […]

Why can net working capital be negative?

Some businesses will take an initial deposit from the customer and deliver the goods or services at a later date or over a period of time. Instead of having the customer pay on credit, which would go to accounts receivable, you receive the deposit and end up with deferred / unearned revenue since you still […]